The Knoxboro-Utica years
Photo series by Sylvia de Swann
“In 1976 I moved with my son and second husband to Upstate New York, a rambling old house in a hamlet named Knoxboro. We heated with wood and coal, had chickens, a big garden, my son went to the local school and my husband and I took photos of the neighbors and small town life which was so different from the city life and ambience I came from. Before that I'd lived in New Orleans, Mexico City, New York City, and multiple other stops in my life's trajectory, leading back to my birthplace in Romania.
Soon after our arrival I wrote in my journal, I sit here before my worktable, the same one I had in New Orleans, similar to one I had Mexico City. Sometimes it is hard for me to imagine that I'm at a different place than the one where I've always been other times I wonder if I'm still the same person calling myself I. As in every other place where I've lived, there are moments when I ask myself what am I doing here? Always feeling at least a partial pull to someplace else other cities other people. But strangely Central New York has become home and I've by now lived here longer than anywhere else."
Eventually my husband and I separated, my son went off to school and I moved to Utica to be near my job as Executive Director of Sculpture Space, an international residency program for professional artists. From photographing rural life I turned to post industrial urban scenes and the many rituals, festivals, demonstrations that punctuate each year.
In recent years we've seen an influx of immigrants from all the world's war zones and Utica has become known as the "city that loves refugees," a more interesting multi-cultural place.”
Route 26
Vernon New York
Knoxboro, New York
“Alice, showing us her family plot and pointing to where she will be buried.”
Brookfield, New York
Pauline, a hermit on moscow hill in the town of Brookfield NY.
Livestock Exchange
West Winfield, New York
The Barbershop at Burton’s Livestock Exchange
Vernon, New York
The barber shop at Burton's Livestock Exchange. The man sitting in the barber's chair and the one to the far left are two of the Ward brothers, who were the subjects of the 1992 film, "Brother's Keeper," by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinovsky and were accused of murdering their third brother, Delbert, who died under mysterious circumstances - later acquitted.
Burton’s Livestock Exchange
Vernon, New York
“I spent a couple of years going to livestock, quite an interesting theatrical arene. I was often the only woman there and at the beginning the guys would say, "it will break your camera little lady." But after a while they got used to me and barely noticed my presence.”
Sunday Joe
Knoxboro, New York
“Sunday Joe, had been left in an orphanage by his mother when he was a kid and had just gotten out at age 30 something. We hired him to help out with chores though he was a little demented he wasn't a bad fellow and for a while he lived with us in the house.”
The Lemeries, Howard & Ruth
Knoxboro, New York
Sylvia de Swaan’s neighbors.
Bernie, Father’s Day
Vernon, New York
Rainbow Young
Utica, New York
Utica, New York
Sal Amico in the foreground at Tinys Bar & Grill.
Utica, New York
Reward for missing or disappeared girl, Ivory Green.
Utica, New York
Oneida square, those public phones are long gone.
All Alone
Utica, New York
Commanders Day
Rome, New York
Griffith Air Force Base.
9/11 Commemoration
New York Mills, New York
Memorial Day
Utica, New York
Griffith Air Force Base.
Gone But Not Forgotten
Utica, New York
Schuyler Street Army
Utica, New York
Kids playing at war
Community Garden
Utica, New York
Sylvan Beach, New York
Celebrating Desert Storm
New York Mills, New York
Hope Street Basketball
Utica, New York
With Friends on Seventh Lake
Adirondacks (Inlet), New York
Sylvan Beach, New York
Refugee Day
Utica, New York
Shared Traditions
Utica, New York
Learning english through looking at art.
Shared Traditions
Utica, New York
Learning english through looking at art.
Shared Traditions
Utica, New York
Learning english through looking at art.