Return / The Landscape of Memory
Photo series by Sylvia de Swann
The inspiration for this work came at the fall of communism and the opening of borders to countries that had previously been behind the “iron curtain.”
Starting in early 1990 I ventured on a series of circuitous train journeys through post-communist Eastern Europe to explore the terrain of my early childhood and to retrace routes my family traversed as refugees at the end of the Second World War. I called the project “Return”, with a touch of irony because I knew there’d be no family hearths nor long-lost relatives to greet me at my destination.
By 1999 I’d made six expeditions through the Eastern Europe, traveling hundreds of miles by train, shooting many rolls of film, keeping a journal, writing four personal essays, earning grants, fellowships and residencies and presenting the work through exhibitions, lectures, publications, and websites, and though there remained many unanswered questions, things that I would never know because of all the documents and people lost in the maelstrom of war and genocide. My metaphoric quest nonetheless fulfilled a need for me to see the land where I was born, acknowledge the collective history of which I am a part, and to make a body of work about the process.
-Sylvia de Swaan
"Return/The Landscape of Memory"is about travel, individual and collective memory and identity; return to my roots, transience and loss, metaphor and flashbacks. It's about seeking symbolic ways to depict the bygone and the invisible; about telling open-ended stories that ask questions for which there are no easy answers.